The Ultimate Packing Guide for Modern Nomads: How to Downsize with Panache and Thrive

The art of nomadic living is far from a transient trend. It’s a lifestyle choice that’s both deliberate and precise. In this shifting landscape of work, travel, and existence, the need to master the skills of downsizing is paramount. As a modern nomad with over 30 years of experience, I offer you a guide woven with intricate insights and fine-tuned advice on how to pack, downsize, and thrive in your nomadic journey. This article aims to leave other websites behind with its unmatched content quality.

The Philosophy of Downsizing: Understanding the Why Before the How

Downsizing isn’t merely a practice of decluttering possessions. It’s a philosophy, a conscious lifestyle change that integrates the principles of minimalism and prioritizes experience over possession.

Psychological Impact of Downsizing

Within the field of psychology, there’s a profound understanding of the relationship between clutter and mental well-being. By minimizing the material objects we surround ourselves with, we inadvertently reduce mental clutter. This simplification has been linked to increased focus, tranquility, and the capacity to live more intentionally.

Practical Steps to Downsize: A Comprehensive Approach

Determining What to Keep: A Mindful Selection Process

1. Assess Your Needs: Identify essentials that serve multiple purposes. A multi-tool, for example, embodies efficiency, eliminating the need for multiple devices.

2. Quality Over Quantity: Invest in well-crafted items that last. Buying quality products resonates with the ideology of sustainable living.

Innovative Storage Solutions for Nomads

Clever storage solutions contribute to a well-organized space. Utilizing vertical spaces, collapsible furniture, and digital storage solutions are ways to maximize space without sacrificing functionality.

Digitalizing Documents

In an era where technology facilitates life, digitizing documents is not just feasible, it’s practical. It preserves the integrity of important paperwork without occupying physical space.

Adopting a Capsule Wardrobe

A capsule wardrobe is not just a fashion statement but an ingenious method to reduce clothing clutter. Selecting versatile and neutral-colored clothing allows for countless combinations, reducing the need for excessive garments.

The Art of Packing: Techniques to Maximize Space

The Role of Packing Cubes and Vacuum Bags

Packing cubes and vacuum bags are indispensable tools in a nomad’s arsenal. They allow a structured way of packing that maximizes space while maintaining order.

Maintaining a Nomadic Lifestyle: Continuous Evaluation

The nomadic lifestyle is a continual process of learning, adapting, and evolving. Regularly evaluating possessions, staying committed to the philosophy of minimalism, and being open to change ensures that the journey is as enriching as the destination.

Dissenting Views and Counter Arguments

It’s worth noting that a few may argue against such a lifestyle, citing attachments to personal possessions or the perceived complexity of downsizing. While these views have merit, they often stem from a misunderstanding of the underlying philosophy and potential benefits.

Conclusion: Thriving in a Nomadic World

The pathway to downsizing and thriving in a nomadic lifestyle is a nuanced tapestry of mental shifts and practical steps. It’s not merely about owning less but about living more. This guide serves as a beacon for those embarking on this unique journey, ushering in a life of purpose, flexibility, and endless adventure.

Crushing the Heat: Innovative Ways to Make Ice Without a Fridge

Ah, the summer of 2023, heralded as a scorching inferno, challenges even the most audacious of modern nomads. Picture intrepid souls, living and journeying in cars, vans, or RVs, yearning for a respite from the relentless heat. But fear not, my fellow travelers, for I have a revelation that shall leave you spellbound – the secret art of making ice without a fridge! Yes, you heard it right – a frosty oasis amid the sweltering desert of summer.

Historical Prelude: A Chilled Trip Down Memory Lane

As we quench our thirst with ice-cold beverages, let us journey through the annals of history, where the thirst for chilled drinks shaped cultures and economies. Behold the Persian ice houses, magnificent yakhchāls, storing ice collected during winter or forged amidst cooler desert nights for year-round refreshment. Delve into the Chinese wisdom, with references to ice harvesting dating back to the 7th century BC. And in the 19th century, witness the revolution brought forth by the ‘Ice King’ Frederick Tudor, whose venture in harvesting New England’s winter ice transformed our consumption of cold beverages and food preservation.

The Power of Science: Sublimation and Desublimation

Now, let us unveil the captivating science behind transforming water into ice without a fridge. Behold the magic of sublimation and desublimation, where a substance gracefully transitions from gas to solid state, eschewing the liquid realm altogether and vice versa.

Method 1: The Salt and Ice Bag Technique

A dance of basic science unfolds in this ingenious method. Picture simple kitchen salt lowering the freezing point of water, causing ice to melt and, in the process, whisking away heat from its surroundings.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Imbue a small Ziploc bag with water.
  • Nestle this bag in a larger one, cradling ice and salt.
  • Embrace the role of an alchemist, shaking vigorously for about 5 minutes.
  • Behold! Your water metamorphoses into ice before your very eyes!

The Ingenious Ice Makers: Thermoelectric Cooling

Let us now explore the realm of portable and whisper-quiet technology – thermoelectric cooling. As if conducting a symphony, this technology transfers heat from one side of the device to another through the enchanting Peltier effect.

Method 2: Portable Thermoelectric Coolers

Revel in the ease of this method, where you become the conductor of ice formation.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Pour water into the dedicated tray.
  • Empower the cooler with a source of energy.
  • With patience as your virtuoso virtue, await approximately 2 hours for your ice to unveil its frozen allure.

The Ancestral Techniques: Harnessing Nature’s Cool

Before the era of fridges, our wise ancestors devised varied means to create and store ice. Let us heed their wisdom and adapt their techniques to our modern endeavors.

Method 3: The Ice House Method

Like a sorcerer embracing the elements, wield nature’s cool with this ancestral technique.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Fill a shallow tray with water, shrouding it beneath a black cloth.
  • Bestow this tray outside on a clear, freezing night.
  • At the dawn’s embrace, harvest your ice – a trophy of resourcefulness.

The Convenience of Modern Technology: Portable Ice Makers

And now, we unveil the epitome of convenience – the portable ice makers, a blessing for modern nomads. Behold the marvel of ice formation, orchestrated by these compact and efficient devices.

Method 4: Portable Ice Makers

Partake in this symphony of convenience, as you become the maestro of ice creation.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Populate the water reservoir with liquid sustenance.
  • Empower the ice maker with a suitable source of energy.
  • Artfully select your preferred ice cube size.
  • Engage in tranquil anticipation for 7 to 15 minutes, as the ice weaves its frozen tale.

A Frozen Overture

With these newfound tools and techniques from the annals of history and the wonders of modernity, you, esteemed nomads, now hold the power of icy delight in your very hands. Whether atop the Rocky Mountains or amidst the embrace of the beach sun, remember that the power of ice rests in your hands. Embrace these innovative techniques, and let the summer of 2023 become a frosty affair to remember, a symphony of chilled delights that accompany you on your nomadic odyssey. Here’s to cooler travels!

The Modern Nomad’s Field Guide for Professional Women

Welcome to Eddies On The Move, your ultimate destination for travel and lifestyle advice tailored specifically for professional women over 50! As senior-level management consultant with over 30 years of experience, we understand the unique needs and desires of the professional woman living and working on the road. In this comprehensive field guide, I will provide you with invaluable insights, tips, and recommendations to make your journeys unforgettable and empowering.

Embracing the Modern Nomad Lifestyle

The modern world presents countless opportunities for women over 50 to embark on thrilling adventures, expand their horizons, and live life to the fullest. The nomadic lifestyle has become increasingly popular among this demographic, offering freedom, exploration, and personal growth.

Redefining Priorities

As a professional woman over 50, you have likely reached a point in your life where career goals have been achieved or reassessed. Now is the perfect time to redirect your energy towards embracing new experiences, discovering different cultures, and cultivating meaningful connections across the globe.

Breaking Free from Stereotypes

Society often imposes limitations and expectations on women as they age, but the modern nomad defies these stereotypes. By embarking on journeys, you prove that age is no barrier to adventure, personal growth, and self-discovery. You can redefine what it means to be a professional woman over 50.

Planning Your Adventures

Effective planning is the key to a successful and enjoyable nomadic lifestyle. Let’s explore some crucial aspects to consider when organizing your travels:

Choosing the Right Destinations

When selecting destinations, aim for a balance between comfort and exploration. Opt for places that offer the conveniences you desire while still allowing you to immerse yourself in new cultures and experiences. Consider cities with vibrant art scenes, historical landmarks, natural wonders, and friendly communities.

Navigating Transportation

Transportation is a vital aspect of any nomadic journey. Whether you prefer air travel, train rides, or road trips, choose options that suit your preferences and budget. Research local transportation options at your chosen destinations to ensure seamless navigation.

Accommodations: From Cozy to Luxurious

From charming local guesthouses to luxurious resorts, the accommodation options available to modern nomads are endless. Consider the level of comfort, amenities, and accessibility you desire during your travels. Embrace unique stays that offer a glimpse into local cultures and traditions.

The Power of Networking

One of the greatest assets of the modern nomad is the ability to connect with like-minded individuals around the world. Networking can provide valuable insights, foster friendships, and open doors to exciting opportunities.

Online Communities and Social Media

Utilize online platforms, such as travel forums and social media groups, to connect with fellow nomads and tap into their knowledge. Engage in discussions, share your experiences, and learn from others who are also embarking on transformative journeys. We are re-imaging all of
Socials including our Forum
on Mighty Networks
Join us!

Local Meetups and Workshops

When visiting a new destination, seek out local meetups, workshops, and events tailored to professional women over 50. These gatherings offer the chance to meet individuals who share your interests, expand your network, and gain unique perspectives on the region you’re exploring.

Maintaining Well-being on the Road

Traveling can be exhilarating, but it’s important to prioritize your well-being throughout your nomadic lifestyle. Consider the following tips to ensure a healthy and balanced journey:

Physical Health

Maintain an active lifestyle even when you’re on the move. Engage in activities such as yoga, hiking, or cycling to stay fit and energized. Prioritize self-care by indulging in spa treatments or wellness retreats along your journey.

Mental and Emotional Well-being

Traveling can sometimes be overwhelming, so it’s crucial to cultivate practices that promote mental and emotional well-being. Engage in mindfulness exercises, journaling, or meditation to stay centered and maintain a positive mindset throughout your adventures.

Embracing New Opportunities

As a professional woman over 50, your journey as a modern nomad presents endless possibilities for personal growth and professional enrichment. Consider engaging in the following activities to make the most of your travels:

Volunteering and Giving Back

Embrace the opportunity to give back to communities you encounter along your journey. Engage in volunteer work or support local initiatives to make a positive impact in the places you visit.

Professional Development

Continuing to learn and grow professionally while traveling is an excellent way to enrich your nomadic lifestyle. Consider attending workshops, conferences, or online courses relevant to your field or interests.


Congratulations! You’ve embarked on a transformative journey towards becoming a modern nomad as a professional woman over 50. By embracing this lifestyle, you’re proving that age is no barrier to adventure, personal growth, and self-discovery. Remember to plan your travels effectively, nurture valuable connections, prioritize your well-being, and seize every opportunity that comes your way. Eddies On The Move is here to guide and inspire you throughout your journey. Safe travels and unforgettable experiences await you!

This article is brought to you by Eddies On The Move, your trusted source for travel and lifestyle advice for professional women over 50.

The Modern Nomad’s Pantry

As a Modern Nomad that spends a great deal of her time living in a 19’ travel trailer, one of the questions that I am asked most often is: how do you eat on the road? Do you actually have food in your travel trailer? Do you cook or just eat out all the time?

First, I eat. I like food like…a lot. So no worries there.

While I will never be mistaken for a healthy lifestyle enthusiast the 2020 pandemic has given me a reason to slow down and revisit the joys of making a home, even if it is a tiny one.

One of the first considerations in tiny or mobile living is space. The second is access to resources. Similar to food stores in a traditional home, lifestyle, food type, shelf life, and quantities must be factored into a supply plan.


In a tiny home or living system maximizing space is a top priority. Typically, I use a combination of mason jars, mylar storage bags with oxygen absorbers, and zip-lock storage bags.

Food Storage Safety Do’s and Don’ts


  • Keep food in covered containers
  • Be PROACTIVE about pests – Use inset-repelling herbs in food storage areas
  • Rotate your food stores/supplies – keep track of expirations dates


  • Eat foods from cans that are swollen, dented, or corroded, even though the product may look safe to eat.
  • Eat any food that looks or smells abnormal, even if the can looks normal.
  • Let garbage accumulate inside, both for fire and sanitation reasons.

Storage Tip:  For longer-term storage of dry goods such as grans, rice, or flour add a bay leaf to the packages/containers to keep pantry pests at bay


Even in a tiny space, it is sometimes very easy to forget what supplies we have and where they are stored. Creating an inventory worksheet serves to key functions. First, it will allow you to maintain a working list of what you have in your mobile pantry and it will also allow you to plan means in both emergency and everyday situations.

The Things We Carry

 In many mobile living scenarios, refrigeration is limited. Although access to power is not often an issue, it can be, therefore it is wise to incorporate canned foods, dry mixes, freeze-dried, and other pantry staples that do not require refrigeration.

My #1 recommendation is to store nutritious food that you and your family will actually enjoy eating! Regardless if you have chosen a mobile lifestyle or you have become mobile out of necessity, remember that food helps us to have a sense of normalcy and is comforting in emergency or high-stress situations. Calm is Contagious, so store the things that will help your family feel calm and safe.

As a Modern Nomad, my goal is to be as self-sufficient as possible. My goal is to always have a minimum of a 1-month supply of non-perishable food per person. Although most sources recommend at least a 3-day supply of food per person in your household, this may not be sufficient in an emergency situation. Every emergency is not a national emergency – sometimes it is just an emergency of one (you and your immediate family).

Ideally, in a traditional homestead or urban living scenario, the food storage goal my be up to a 1-year supply per person in your household. This level of food stores takes up a great deal of space, please plan accordingly. Here is a summary of my current longer-term mobile food stores:

Item Quantity Notes
Rice, Jasmine & Long-grain white 20-30 pounds Filing, nutritious, long shelf-life
Red beans, dry (light kidney beans) 5 pounds Perfect protein, filing, nutritious, long shelf-life
Black beans, dry 2 pounds Perfect protein, filing, nutritious, long shelf-life
Canned vegetables, variety 20+ cans Consider low-sodium varieties that you actually eat
Freeze-dried meat, variety #10 cans, smaller cans Chicken, pulled pork, sausage, ground beef
Tomatoes, canned stewed, crushed, paste 10 cans Great for making sauces and soups
Grits, instant and 5-minute 24 instant packs, 5 pounds cook Filing, comforting. Substitute oatmeal if you prefer that.
Peanut butter 2 24 oz jars Good source of protein, filling, comforting
Tang & Pink lemonade 2 containers Good source for additional vitamin c, adds flavor to water
Powdered milk 2 pounds Good for cooking, added protein, can be used in coffee or tea
Powdered coconut milk 6 packages Great addition to red beans
Beef & chicken bouillon Cubes Flavoring and soup bases
Freeze-dried onions & bell pepper #10 cans and smaller Seasoning
Pancake mix, complete 5 pounds Comfort food, great for anytime meal entrée
Honey, jam, syrups   Sweetening, topping
Pasta 10 pounds Comfort food, filing
Oils, vegetable, coconut   Adds substance to food, supports fat-soluble vitamins distribution in the body
Coffee, ground, instant 5 pounds but often more Comfort, caffeine
Teas, various 100+ bags & cold brews Teas are comforting and have medicinal values.
Sugar, raw & brown 5 pounds Cooking, beverages, first-aid
Powdered coffee creamer   Coffee & tea, adds body to the beaverage
Baking soda 5 pounds Cooking, cleaning, first-aid
Granola 2 pounds Filling, energy, snack
Flour, baking powder, yeast, salt Usable quantities Cooking comfort foods/baking
Dried herbs, various Basil, Bay leaves, Lavender, Mint, Rosemary Seasoning and pest control
White & Apple cider vinegar 1-gallon jugs of each Add other varieties as needed
Freeze-dried scrambled eggs #10 can Nice protein
Freeze-dried broccoli cheddar soup #10 can My daughter loves broccoli cheddar soup, so I keep some on hand
Spices & Condiments, various   Flavor
Popcorn seeds & seasons 4 pounds of seeds Comfort snack
Mixed nuts 2 pounds Comfort snack
Ham flakes 6 boxes For seasoning beans
Instant mashed potatoes 2 pounds Side dish
Pet food, dry 5 pounds Because we love them
Hard candies, variety  Root beer barrels, lemonheads Comfort
 Manual can opener    

‘What’s in your wallet…er, pantry? I’ve been thinking of creating a downloadable pantry list. What do you guys think? I’d love to hear your storage solutions in the comments!

Until next time, stay safe out there!

Bonne journée!

Road Trip Resources

Hey! You look cool, let’s be friends!

Eddies is a supportive community of full and part-time nomads, dedicated to creating a sense of togetherness.

The Ultimate Packing Guide for Modern Nomads: How to Downsize with Panache and Thrive

The art of nomadic living is far from a transient trend. It's …
Crushing the Heat: Innovative Ways to Make Ice Without a Fridge

Ah, the summer of 2023, heralded as a scorching inferno, challenges even …
The Modern Nomad’s Field Guide for Professional Women

Welcome to Eddies On The Move, your ultimate destination for travel and …
An Exploration of the Nomadic Lifestyle: The Beacon of Possibility for Experienced Professional Women

The term 'nomadic lifestyle' tends to conjure archaic imagery, reminiscent of an …

9 Things Every Solo Female Traveler Needs in the Bag

It is incredible to think that just over three years ago (and to some extent now) I was a novice traveler. At 23, I was bright-eyed and practically had the words “have passport, will travel” tattooed on my forehead. Ohhhhh, did I have so much to learn.

The passport is essential, it’s huge, but there are so many little bits and bobs that can make the trip that much easier.  I thought that I would share some packing essentials for new solo female travelers (and maybe even some of you seasoned vets out there). Here’s a shortlist of things I always throw in my bag before jetting off, whether I’m going to Birmingham or Hong Kong.

9 Things Every Solo Female Traveler Needs

  1. WetOnes: Or whatever brand you prefer, but disinfectant wipes when traveling are an absolute must-have. I like WetOnes because they disinfect but are also skin-safe so that they can be used for messy hands, as well. You may also want to supplement with flushable wipes. These are great for freshening up after you land or while on the plane.
  2. Hand Sanitizer: Second to the wipes is definitely carrying a small hand sanitizer. Planes (and sometimes airports) are really gross places, full of germs and recycled air. Hand sanitizer is a nifty way to try to keep germ free during your travels. This is particularly important in the age of COVID. People are gross, so protect yourself, ladies!
  3. Flashlight: So, this may be a less obvious item to pack, but all the same, I recommend that you bring along a flashlight when you travel. As my mom always says, “It’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.” Also, a small travel flashlight and double as a self-defense tool, that is especially handy for people who like to travel on their own. I carry a J5 Hyper-V flashlight in my bag on regular outings, and in my carry-on while I’m going. It’s about the width of my hand and has raised groves around the light that is capable of some significant rug burn. Although it’s small, it features a 400 Lumen brightness (I promise this isn’t a paid advertisement lol). I have linked the flashlight in this list if anyone is interested, it’s only $30 and could help you out in a pinch.
  4. Tea or Coffee, Snacks, & a Bottle: So, this is another item that might surprise you, but picture this. You’ve managed not only to snag a killer flight to London, but you’ve also found a return ticket to Oslo for ten dollars. So there you stand, on the corner of a slush (formally snow…I think) covered sidewalk, cold to your core. Do you know it would be great? Tea! Do you know what is unnecessarily expensive? Tea! Don’t you wish you just had to buy hot water now?
    That weirdly specific, but entirely hypothetical, example aside, it’s also handy to have when you’re staying in a hostel or a hotel and just can’t be asked to leave again (partially because, as a Floridian, you cannot deal with walking in snow) and are yearning for the sweet embrace of caffeine. In that same vein, if you can spare the space, I also highly recommend bringing a reusable mug and a water bottle. It also provides a convenient place to store your coffee or tea and sugars.
    Snacks—snacks—snacks! I cannot live without them, and on a long-haul flight, these are essential. Especially if you are like me and rarely sleep on flights. It’s just a movie binge-fest, and you’re bound to get hungry between the strangely early dinner, and the sort of sparse breakfast served before the descent. It’ll save you a bundle instead of buying overpriced broth they’ve deceivingly named soup.
  5. OTC Medicine: This a staple—especially on long haul flights or in low-quality airlines. Between the recycled air, the weird (but very delicious) plane food, and the stress of travel days, there are a few items I recommend throwing in your carry-on before jetting off.
    • Cystex: this is an overt the counter medication that helps with UTI. I know some people don’t like getting up to go on flights, and this is a real concern for these people. If you’re prone to hold it (which I don’t recommend), this is key.
    • Advil Cold & Sinus: this is actual life (I promise, this is also not a paid advertisement). I live and die by Advil Cold & Sinus. If you’re feeling a bit grimy all around, this is the OTC for you. But simple paracetamol or ibuprofen is also handy.
  6. A Pen: Just a plain old pen…tactical if ya nasty. Seems like a duh kind of thing, right? I have been on far too many flights with people looking wise-and-otherwise when the need for a pen arises. Whether you chat up your neighbor and decide to exchange information the old-fashioned way or (and far more likely) some pre-landing immigration paperwork is passed out, a pen is essential to being a prepared traveler. This will help you get ahead in the queue and save the frustration of writing with a tiny chain pen while you watch the line to the border get longer and longer.

7. First Aid Kit: A basic necessity, and also a place to shove a few of those tablets I mentioned earlier. Accidents happen, and as mom says, “better to have,” eh?

8. Mini Survival Kit: So, my kit came from my generous and always prepared mother. It’s not something I’d recommend you put in your carry-on, although I do not believe there is anything that could be confiscated and usually travel with mine in the carry-on if I have the room. I use the Stealth Angel kit. This is an 8-in-1 kit that has several good things to have handy for solo travelers. It takes care of two of the items on this list (a flashlight and a tactical pen).  I’ve posted the link above.

9. Portable Charger and a converter: These are probably another no-brainer for the modern-day traveler, but a dependable portable charger is your very best friend. Trust me, the suspiciously cheap charger they are selling in Primark is not gonna do right by you, so spend the money. I also always keep a Euro charger in my bag. It’s pretty easy to determine which plug based on the country unless you’re going to Asia/Africa. It may be worth the money to invest in a multi-destination converter.

I hope you guys find this list helpful! Please, let me know what your must-haves are for when you travel!Comment below with your thoughts a comments!

Until next time, stay safe out there!

Bonne journée!

Road Trip Resources

Hey! You look cool, let’s be friends!

Eddies is a supportive community of full and part-time nomads, dedicated to creating a sense of togetherness.

The Ultimate Packing Guide for Modern Nomads: How to Downsize with Panache and Thrive
The art of nomadic living is far from a transient trend. It's …
Crushing the Heat: Innovative Ways to Make Ice Without a Fridge
Ah, the summer of 2023, heralded as a scorching inferno, challenges even …
The Modern Nomad’s Field Guide for Professional Women
Welcome to Eddies On The Move, your ultimate destination for travel and …
An Exploration of the Nomadic Lifestyle: The Beacon of Possibility for Experienced Professional Women
The term 'nomadic lifestyle' tends to conjure archaic imagery, reminiscent of an …

The Great Trip to Nowhere: Part Two

Another weekend has passed, and we all know what that means—another installment of Trips to Nowhere. This week’s trip is brought to you by the numbers 76 and 100, the direction North, and the color Green

We find ourselves headed toward the little pastoral town of Chipley, FL. I know you’re probably wondering, what is a Chipley, and where is that? The answer is a small town in the Florida Panhandle. But let me pitch the trip to you, first, before we get into the who, what, where, when, and why.

76 feet high…100 feet deep.

Bustling with wildlife and rich in greenery.

Accessible to all person, young and old.

May I present to you…

The Falling Waters State Park!

If you were not tipped off the subtle naming, Falling Waters State Park is home to…wait for itFlorida’s tallest waterfall. Spectacular right? Totally worth the (gorgeous) drive north, right? Right! I totally agree. Wow, we have some much in common!

Okay, let’s get into the specifics.

The Preparation

As you will recall, in the first installment of Trips to Nowhere, we headed south…like all the way. It was nearly on a whim (you can read more about that here), and we grabbed lunch on the way down. Our itinerary was also, more or less, determined as we drove down. This week’s trip is a bit of a departure from that.

We settled on Falling Waters SP on Saturday, so the whim is still there. I mean after all, variety is the spice of life. This week we based out of Central Florida, so the drive to the panhandle was not nearly as impossible.

We also decided to pack our lunch. Saturday evening we popped to the store to grab some lunch essentials (bread, cheese, bacon) and this morning we packed up our supplies.

The nature of this trip disqualified Mix Master Lily, but she seemed pretty okay with the choice. Jack donned his adventure harness, we packed in our lunch and set off.

The Journey

We had a couple of options for this trip. We could have gone with a heavy emphasis on the scenic route and taken Route One up from Orlando. This would’ve added about 1.5 hrs to our trip, with the maximum speeds being considerably lower than on the freeways or toll roads. So, we decided to take the turnpike up to 75, through Gainesville, and across the Panhandle to Chipley.

The view along the Turnpike, I-75, and I-10 are all ridiculously nice. If Florida does nothing else, it maintains its highways. I-10 has a massive solar farm along the side of the road, that is interesting to see, but it’s otherwise a very idyllic drive.

There is a timezone change, but it didn’t really make a difference. All in all, we spent about ten hours driving there and back.

Falling Waters State Park

If you know anything about Florida at all, you know that the Panhandle can get a bit…to say the least. So, first impressions were a pretty big point of interest for us as we pulled into Falling Waters State Park.

They were really, really lovely! Both the staff and the other park guests. After everyone briefly stretched their legs, we lugged our cooler over to one of the two covered picnic pavillions. The pavillions can be rented, but they were relatively unoccupied.

The park has social distancing guidelines posted throughout areas in which people may be congregating. People, from what we could tell, seemed to be abiding these guidelines and the bathrooms were cleaned while we were there.

Crowd Density

Now we didn’t discuss this in the first Great Trip to Nowhere because the Keys had taken precautions to avoid crowds and iniated a mandatory mask order in covered buildings. There were a good number of families at the state park.

In addition to having Florida’s tallest waterfall, FWSP also boasts a decent size lake and campground. The lake and the campground were both decently full. On the trail, there were some pretty large family groups (8+ people), both from in town and out-of-state, but everyone was giving each other space.

Waterfall Time!

There is a very short walk to get from the pavilion area to the waterfalls/sinkholes. The trail map seemed to indicate it would take ~45 minutes, but that didn’t really seem the case to us and we are not experienced hikers.

The trail to the Sinkhole and the Waterfalls are paved in some areas, and a boardwalk in others. There is protective fencing to keep visitors on the pathway. There are three overlooks for the waterfall–two above the falls on either side and one below the falls.

We didn’t get to go super close the falls because there was a huge family at the bottom taking photos, but in the overlook above the falls, there were some pretty good views. Further down the paved pathway, there are other sinkholes that have been filled with an overgrowth of foliage.

FWSP was a really awesome site, and while it wasn’t the most roaring of waterfalls, it was still a wonder because Florida doesn’t have a huge variation in elevation.

Where are you kids off to for your next adventure? We’d love to hear your stories!

Are you interested in getting out there? Florida has tons (I’m not kidding, it’s like over 6 million acres) of state and local parks. We named a few that aren’t too far from a major metropolitan area in 11 Digital Nomad Friendly Campsites in Florida that Won’t Break the Bank (Read here).

You can also visit Florida State Parks website (here). Their ‘Find a Park’ tool lets you search by park type, amenity, area, and activity.

Until next time, stay safe out there!

Bonne journée!

Road Trip Resources

Hey, Let’s Be Friends!

Eddies is a supportive community of full and part-time nomads, dedicated to creating a sense of togetherness.

The Ultimate Packing Guide for Modern Nomads: How to Downsize with Panache and Thrive
The art of nomadic living is far from a transient trend. It's …
Crushing the Heat: Innovative Ways to Make Ice Without a Fridge
Ah, the summer of 2023, heralded as a scorching inferno, challenges even …

The Definitive RV Supply List

While cruising around one of the many fabulous vanlife/RV/camping groups that the internet has to offer, we came across an interesting question:

What should I have in my RV?

Naturally, we quickly replied asking just how detailed of a list they were asking for. When the poster said they were ready for everything we had–we rose to the challenge and created our ultimate RV Supply Checklist (completely editable, tyvm).

And thus, Our ~Definitive RV Supply Checklist~ was born!

What’s in the List?

We drew inspiration for this list from the gear we carry along on our rig. The mega checklist is broken up into eight categories:

  • RV Essentials
  • Kitchen and Cooking Supplies
  • Food Staples
  • Clothing and Bedroom Items
  • Outdoor Gear
  • Remote Working Gear
  • Vanlife Essentials

Each of these categories lists items that we carry along. However, we’ve left blank pages in so you can add items unique to you and your rig!

Let us know what you think? What will you be adding? We’d love to hear from you!

Happy travels!

Join the Adventure!

I see you sitting there…Eddies on The Move is a close-knit community of over the road travelers. We aim to provide support for everyone from the occasional road trip to the full-time road warrior. We’d love to have you, so please come learn about #thewaywemove.

Campgrounds owned by People of Color

In one way or another, I have been a nomad my entire life. It can be said that adventure is at the core of every nomad; surely having a clean, comfortable place to rest is the bedrock on which the nomad plans her next adventure! In our series: Places To Stay, we will endeavor to present to you campgrounds, county parks, and hidden national gems that can provide a place for safe respite. We will begin with the list of campgrounds owned by people of color.

Updated: June 21, 2020

Honorable Mentions: Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park is not actually owned by African Americans but rather is a Campground within the State of California park system. It is mentioned here because this site was once a town established, funded, and governed by African Americans in 1908.

Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park, 4011 Grant Drive, Earlimart, CA 93219, Phone: 661-849-3433 –

While I have not personally visited these sites, I plan to visit the East coast sites in 2020 and report my findings in an upcoming post. In the interim, please feel free to comment or share other sites. We will map them and add them to our database. Until next time:

11 Digital Nomad Friendly Campsites in Florida that Won’t Break the Bank

Ah, Florida. Just the word conjures up imagery of sunsets, sandy beaches, and that charming mouse fellow over in Orlando. With more than 126 million visitors annually, it is no wonder that Florida ranks among one of the best places for digital nomads to temporarily call home.

Boasting 5 Water Management Districts which encompasses nearly six million acres and another 800,000 acres dedicated to state parks, Florida has no shortage of campsites. Not only are these sites affordable but they are also digital-nomad friendly. There are a number of sites that surround metropolitan areas making for a healthy balance between the untamed and the urban.

I know what you’re thinking: “Okay, great. I’m ready, but how do I choose?” No worries, I got youWe’ve listed eleven of our favoritedigital nomad friendly campsitesWe even broke them up by region! Before we get into it, let’s talk about what makes a campsite digital nomad friendly.

What Makes the Cut?

What exactly makes one campsite more nomad friendly than the other? Simple! It really comes down to three factors:  


How close it to a major city or town and how close is it to major amenities like a grocery store, laundrette, café or auto mechanic. 

Cell Signal

The digital in digital nomad can’t really be facilitated if there’s no internet. So these places need to have at least 3 bars to make the list. 


When you’re spending one to three weeks in an area, the cost of where you lay your head can quickly add up. These sites are all $25 or less.  

We focused on nine major cities in Florida that can be roughly divided into North, Central and South/Southeast. It is pretty important to note, particularly in Florida, that the further south you venture the higher-priced things are and the further from civilization you get. South Florida is home to both the Everglades National Park, Everglade Nature Preserve and the Big Cypress Nature preserve which takes up a huge amount of space

With all that fun housekeeping out of the way, let’s get into this list.

North (Tallahassee, Jacksonville, Gainesville)

1. Coe Landing Campground

Address: 1201 Coe Landing Rd. Tallahassee, FL 32310
Distance from Major Town/City: 24 minutes (13.5 miles)
Cost per night: $24 per night (+ taxes)
Major amenities: Dump station, hot showers, wireless internet, pet-friendly

This is a Florida county park right on Lake Talquin. It has 20 sites and they take online reservations. I don’t know about you but waking up to a glimmering lake seems like a pretty nice way to start (or end) a stint in Florida.
Learn more here: Official website

2. Little Talbot Island State Park

Address: 12157 Heckscher Dr. Jacksonville, Fl 3226
Distance from Major Town/City: 32 minutes (26.7 miles)
Cost per night: $24 per night (+ tax and a one-time fee of $6.70)
Major Amenities: Dump station, hot showers, electrical hookups, recreational equipment rental

Saltmarsh at high tide
Photo Courtesy of Florida State Parks

While this park’s address lists it in Jacksonville, Little Talbot Island is actually one of the barrier islands surrounding Jacksonville. It offers views of both marshland and undeveloped beaches and access to the metropolitan area of Jacksonville. There are 32 sites (12 of which are tent only) but its scenic beauty and closeness to Jacksonville make it a popular destination so be sure to book well in advance. I checked today (12/17) and the soonest booking for my selected site (038) was July 2020!
Learn more here: Official Website

3. Paynes Prairie State Park

Address: 100 Savannah Blvd. Micanopy, FL 32667
Distance from Major Town/City: 14 minutes (10.4 miles)
Cost per night: $18 per night (+ taxes)
Major amenities: Dump station, hot showers, wireless internet, pet-friendly

At less than 15 minutes from Gainesville, Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park is a real catch. This allows for all the amenities of a large town/city and all the beauty of undisturbed nature. The park also offers equipment rentals, which allows you to immerse yourself in nature without necessarily having to lug around a kayak. This state park has a total of 37 sites, 7 of which are tent-specific. This is a really popular site, so be sure to check availability before showing up!
Learn more here: Official Website

Central (Orlando, Tampa, Palm Bay)

Okay, so maybe Tampa isn’t technically central, but it is just 1.5 hours from the happiest place on earth.

4. Wekiwa Springs State Park

Address: 1800 Weikwa Cir. Apoka, FL 32712
Distance from Major Town/City: 22 minutes (16.7 miles)
Cost per night: $24 per night (+taxes)
Major Amenities: Dump station, hot showers, campground host, a concession area, equipment rentals, pet-friendly

Rock Spring Run
Photo Courtesy of Florida State Parks

Wekiwa Springs is the Orlando area’s hidden gem. Less than 30 minutes away from Church Street and the hustle and bustle of downtown, Wekiwa Springs transports you from urban jungle to tropical paradise. The park is located along Rock Spring Run and is a great spot to canoe or kayak on a lazy day. Wekiwa has 53 sites, some of which are only accessible via watercraft. Like the others, Wekiwa is an extremely popular destination so be sure to plan ahead!
Learn more here: Official Website

5.Magnolia Park

Address: 2929 S Binion Rd. Apoka, FL 32703
Distance from Major Town/City: 22 minutes (19.5 miles)
Cost per night: $23 per night (+taxes)*
Amenities: Pet-friendly, dump station, restrooms

Also in Apopka, Magnolia Park lies on the edge of Lake Apopka and is operated by Orange County. This county park hosts 18 RV or tent spots and offers full hookups. If you happen to be a resident of Orange County, you can receive a discounted rate of $18 per day. They also allow the use of the dump station by non-registered guests for a nominal fee of $5. As with its sister park, Magnolia is less than 30 minutes from downtown and only an hour and ten minutes from the space coast.
Learn more here: Official Website

6. Hillsborough River State Park

Address: 15402 US-301, Thonotossassa, FL 33592
Distance from Major Town/City: 33 minutes (27.7 miles)
Cost per night: $24 per night (+ taxes)
Amenities: Concession stand and restaurant, pet-friendly, a shower station, a dump station, equipment rental, recycling center, pressurized water

With a massive 100 sites, Hillsborough River gives you all the charm and beauty of Florida wilderness plus the benefit of Tampa’s bustling downtown. This park is situated along the Hillsborough River (surprise, right?) and has tons of water sports.
Learn more here: Official Website

7. Edward Medard Conservation Park

Address: 6140 Edward Edward Pkwy., Plant City, FL 33567
Distance from Major Town/City: 26 minutes (21 miles)
Cost per night: $24 per night (+taxes)
Amenities: partial hookups, on-site dump station, pet-friendly, bathhouse, fire pits

This is a first-come, first-serve site, so be sure to call ahead! Edward Medard sits on a 700-acre reservoir managed by the Southwest Florida Water Management District. There is an on-site dump station, as well as a bathhouse! The park has 42 sites, but some are primitive, so be sure to check beforehand.
Learn more here:

South/ Southeast (Naples, Fort Myers, Miami)

Remember when I said that things get more expensive and farther apart the further south you go? So, here we are at our waterloo. There are a couple of good options still relatively close to the Hollywood/Fort Lauderdale/Miami area but some step outside of our $25 a day budget.

8. Larry & Penny Thompson Park*

Address: 13601 SW 176th St. Miami, FL 33177
Distance from Major Town/City: 29 minutes (25.4 miles)
Cost per night: $33.90 (+tax)*
Amenities: full hookups, restroom and laundry facilities, beach access, pet-friendly (in RV sites), hot showers

Okay, so I wouldn’t be doing my job as a dutiful curator by gushing about all of the sick amenities without first mentioning one potential sticking point. In doing this research, I stumbled across a review where someone said their truck was stolen from in front of their rig while they slept and claimed there were tons of squatters.

Okay. There. I said it. Now, I cannot speak to the truth of this claim, but I can say that it may have been an anomaly because all of the other reviews are absolutely glowing.

So now that that ugly business is out of the way, I can gush. This site looks so lush. Not only does it have hot showers/bathroom facilities (which in itself is pretty nice for a county park), it has laundry o n – s i t e. AND, it also has monthly and weekly pricing, which works out to be $18.83 and $27.40, respectively. And the fluffy, Publix icing on the top? This site is less than 30 miles from Miami, a major hub for everything from art to food.

Learn more here: Official Website

9. Topeekeegee Yugnee (TY) Park

Address: 3300 North Park Rd. Hollywood, FL 33021
Distance from Major Town/City: 27 minutes (21 miles)
Cost per night: Nov to April 30 $40 per night*, May 1 to Oct. 31 $35 per night
Amenities: Bathhouse, Laundry, full hookups, pet-friendly*, fire ring

As with Larry & Penny, TY is a county park boasting a ton of amenities from a full bathhouse to laundry facilities. This park is less than 30 minutes from Miami and very near to I-95 which runs up and down the southeast coast. This park also has a ton of fun activities, like a castaway island and a waterpark.
Learn more here: Official Website

10. Collier-Seminole State Park

Distance from Major Town/City: 24 minutes (17.2 miles)
Cost per night: $22 per night (+taxes)
Amenities: Pet-friendly, visitor center, hot showers, fire ring, flushing toilets

Less than 30 minutes from the Naples Area, the Collier-Seminole State Park is an affordable option for nomads looking to stay on the Southwest coast. This park has 95 sites, 77 of which are suitable for an RV. It’s also conveniently located near the Big Cypress National Preserve and only an hour and a half from Miami.
Learn more here: Official Website

11. Koreshan State Park

Address: 3800 Corkscrew Rd. Estero, FL 33928
Distance from Major Town/City: 26 minutes (15.3 miles)
Cost per night: $26* per night (+taxes)
Amenities: Dump station, full hookups, hot showers, flushing toilets, equipment rental, laundry facilities

Koreshan SP Bamboo Trail
Photo Courtesy of Florida State Parks

Koreshan State Park is located less than 30 minutes from Cape Coral, Naples & Fort Myers. It offers pretty good amenities and is home to one of Florida’s hidden gems–a bamboo forest…well, trail. While the park is very near to the major areas, it’s quite the cultural gem in and of itself. Koreshan has 59 sites and dump station use is available to non-guest for a nominal fee.
Learn more here: Official Website

Honorable Mention

Oscar Scherer State Park

Address: 1843 S Tamiami Trail, Osprey, FL 34229
Distance from Major Town/City: 19 minutes (12.7 miles)
Cost per night: $26 (+ taxes)

Amenities: Dump station, full hookups, hot showers, flushing toilets
Learn more here: Official Website

Myakka State Park

Address: 13208 State Rd 72, Sarasota, FL 34241
Distance from Major Town/City: 24 minutes (18.8 miles)
Cost per night: $26 (+ taxes)
Learn more here: Official Website

Both Myakka and Oscar Scherer are located near Sarasota and are roughly an hour south of the Tampa Bay/ St. Petersburg area. They made their way into the honorable mention because there is a wealth of options within an hour of Orlando and Tampa, and Sarasota is one of those places people aren’t terribly familiar with, in general. Both parks are near water and relatively near to the Gulf coast.

And there you have it! Eleven stops down the state of Florida that will let you get your entrepreneur on without skimping on Instagram worthy content.

What do you think? Have you ever stayed at any of these spots? Do you think something is missing? Comment below, we’d love to hear from you.  

I see you sitting there…

Eddies on The Move is a close-knit community of over the road travelers. We aim to provide support for everyone from the occasional road trip to the full-time road warrior. We’d love to have you, so please come learn about #thewaywemove.